My poor Freddy Monster got his first rejection letter today. He did not get placed in the pre-k program here at our neighborhood elementary...


My poor Freddy Monster got his first rejection letter today. He did not get placed in the pre-k program here at our neighborhood elementary. I am spitfire mad because the coordinator at the school told me not to worry and that they hadn't turned away kids in years. Revelations 21:8 on her face (sorry, you know I don't really mean this)! The lady at the registration office was shocked that someone told me that because she said they have had to run a lottery for at least the past 10 years for our school's pre-k program. There were only 54 kids in the Little Rock School District placed on waiting lists for pre-k, and 18 of those were for our school. Poor Fredster, we wouldn't have psyched him up and shown him the school and bought a stinkin sit'n stand stroller so I could take him back and forth since yes indeed we still only have one car...if we hadn't been made to feel so confident in his placement. So, it's a little sad around here. I even cried a little, especially when he said, "But Mama, I wanna go to my big cool." Poor baby, and dumb mom for getting his little hopes all up!


Amanda said...

I'm sorry, Manda. You never know what will happen--and you never know what kind of blessing may come through this situation. Love you!