This is my energy we're talking about. I had a huge surge of energy during our trip and right after we got home. I got everything unpa...

Surge and Outage

This is my energy we're talking about. I had a huge surge of energy during our trip and right after we got home. I got everything unpacked, cleaned house, cooked a big meal, we put up the Christmas tree and decorated, and I felt good. Today I am absolutely exhausted like can't keep my eyes open or my head lifted kind of tired! I think it's because I stayed up too late after going to bed between 9-10 for almost a week. I'm glad I was productive during my energy surge and it came at the exact time I needed it. However, now Christmas is in full gear and I need my energy to craft, keep up the house, chase the kids, and work of course. Maybe I'll just get to bed at a decent hour and hope tomorrow will go better. Tomorrow evening I have my next midwife appointment and we are so hopeful to hear the heartbeat! Wish and hope with us because I'm starting to get suspicious that I'm just making it up anyway! ;)


Mary said...

Please let us know how the appointment goes.
Be thankful for the energy when you have it, but don't beat yourself up when you have an "outage". It's nature's way of telling you to rest... So REST!

Anonymous said...

I hope you get to hear baby Carl's heartbeat too. Huh? What's that? Oh, I forgot to tell you that I've named your baby for you???? Hmm, that's odd.

Pediddlepie said...

If I come out with a K.F. lookin' little munchkin child you are in trouble!! Maybe we could go with Karl to make it more exotic? ;) HAHAHA! Mary, thank you for your wisdom and encouragement.