I'm going to fight off the urge to crawl back into bed. Oh me, I'm just tired of "struggling" with everything from weight ...

Complainosaurus Rex

I'm going to fight off the urge to crawl back into bed. Oh me, I'm just tired of "struggling" with everything from weight to money. I guess nobody has it easy, but it certainly feels that way doesn't it? So, you're thin and have lots of money...per my facebook question, what do you worry about? Maybe then you have a cruddy husband or health problems or mental instability! ;) Maybe life seems just perfect but you are an evil selfish person with no real friends. I don't know. Oh don't get me wrong, I'm not wishing these problems on anyone. It is just a complete mystery to me.

I just have to start going through my list of blessings so that I don't dwell on the poor me's. We are going to make it, and Jason told me today that he doesn't care if we have money because we are together and happy. He also pointed out that the kids don't mind (....yet anyway, but oh sweet goodness may we have more ample resources when they are teenagers), and that they are happy babies. I don't know what else I could ask for! (Actually...yes I do, like timely immunizations instead of a month behind because you're still paying off the last doctor's bill...but like I said, I just have to quit this!).

In the mean time, God is making miracles happen. Thanks to everyone who encourages me with my bargain shopping, couponing, crafting, and general creativity that is honestly my most important contribution to my family. My job doesn't actually cut it when it comes to making enough money to support us, but if you combine that with staying at home with the kids, making $35 grocery trips for a week's worth of food, dutifully managing a one car household, selling some homemade goodies on the side, and $.05 per diaper deals, then we've got something we can work with!


ainmemphis said...

I think you are doing a great job! I wouldn't call myself skinny and wealthy, just slightly smaller and somewhat financially comfortable, BUT that second half comes with a very large price indeed! John works so hard for our money, so hard that it really takes a toll on other aspects in our life, no free time to enjoy being with me and Sean, and I feel like a single mother who has a benefactor that just slips money under the door. You know what they say, the grass is always greener..

Candice said...

We were poor growing up but my fondest memories of time with my mom had nothing to do with money and everything to do with the time we spent together as a family and her resourcefulness in planning family time. It was when she started trying to compensate herself as a mother with money that things went down the drain. You're raising two very well rounded kiddos and you're able to take the time to be with them. I think in the end, happiness doesn't come from weight and money (although sometimes I, myself, agree with you on that one). Happiness comes from quality family time and the love that you and Jason show for the kiddos. You're very rich! :D

Amanda said...

Manda, I love your heart. As far as immunizations...some people delay them for a year anyway! :) I wouldn't worry too much about that! You are a beautiful person who truly is a crown to her husband. It really is better to have less--you learn and your kids learn what is most important. I didn't know I was poorer than others until about 5th grade or so. I wish I hadn't even found out then! :) Jesus loves you, and He is taking care of you TODAY.

Jen said...

I could have written this post myself. I've been dealing with some of the same things lately..... the feeling of "everyone else has it so easy, why don't I?". Just know you aren't alone in feeling this way. And when I start getting down, I'll pray for you as well as for myself. All I can say is that your babies are beyond blessed to have you and Jason as their parents.