I know "fat" is such a crude word, sorry! Since I weighed at work the first time for our own Biggest Loser competition (May), I ha...

Fat Stats

I know "fat" is such a crude word, sorry!

Since I weighed at work the first time for our own Biggest Loser competition (May), I have lost 15lbs! I am fairly certain that the majority of that has been over the past 5 weeks. The best part about this is that it is keeping me motivated to keep away from the bad stuff. As Fall approaches, it's going to get more difficult with the holidays and goodies and the urge to bake! Any tips? I am thinking of scheduling some "cheat" days ahead of time so that I can bake with the kids and not feel like I'm off plan. If it's scheduled, then it's part of the plan, right? ;)

You know, someday I'm going to recharge my camera battery and take pictures. I have not taken any pictures since the 4th of July. What kind of crazy is that? I certainly haven't posted any in ages. These babies are getting big!

P.S. Thank you for your input and please continue to give it on my WFHM (Work from home mom) post. Each moment in the day creates a case for one side or the other!


Amanda said...

Dave has cheated a little here and there, but he seems to have a system. I think. He eats no-low carb all day, and then he might have some dark chocolate for a snack after dinner. Or if he has ice cream, he will be ultra vigilant the next day. I am surprised and proud at his portion control and dessert control. He's doing such a great job. I know you will too. I think when you keep your goal ahead of you, it makes it easier to press on! So press on!!!

Can said...

I have one cheat meal the day I weigh in (usually dinner time) where I eat whatever I've been craving for the last week. Of course WW has an extra allowance built in for cheating but I feel that the opportunity to "cheat" helps me get through the week. Be careful though, sometimes it hurts my progress because after that meal, I go on an eating spree.