Now, on to the diaper rash. Addie has had a few bouts of diaper rash, but nothing too awful until last week. I took her to daycare last Wednesday for her first time since I started working at home and when I picked her up she was really red. The next morning it was so bad that all the skin was rubbed completely raw, looked like it was rubbed off, all shiny and sticky. She screamed just when the air touched it. I had to call the nurse at the pediatricians office and they advised me to just put her in the bathtub when she needed changed, only use water to clean her, and to let her be naked as much as possible. It was terrible for several days and is just now about healed. I have also grown to really love Johnson & Johnson's 3 in 1 diaper rash cream. Desitin and Aveeno were doing nothing, and I refused to buy anything else. This just happened to be in my supply drawer from a shower gift, thank you whoever you are! It doesn't have as high a zinc oxide percentage as Desitin, but it has soothing oat kernel flour, lanolin and some kind of synthetic beeswax (I'm not granola!) and NO IRRITATING FRAGRANCE (unlike Desitin). J&J, it's the stuff!
Okay, but the best part of this was trying to let Addie go without a diaper and not pee or poo on anything. I managed to leave her nakey for at least an hour or so a day and then during naps with a sheet saver under her with her only peeing on the sheet saver..oh and she may have pooed in the bed a little. Oh well. It's been cold around here and we have mostly tile and hardwood floors, so I improvised on the "naked" part...
I should re-brand baby legwarmers as some type of magical diaper rash healing pants. They could even be an elegible expense on your flexible spending accounts as a medical expense! Please take note that Freddy doesn't even notice!
Sorry that poor Addie had to go through that. Sounds like you got it under control. And I think the diaper rash pants are a real money maker!
how adorable! she will kill you for this picture you know :-) I wonder if it's the time of year because Parker has had a little diaper rash (not at all as bad as yours though) and he's never had any before. Nothing new...oh well. Glad it's under control.
On another note, when Parker was about Sean's age, I was still concerned about his circumcision and the doctor told me to let him go nakey (the doc did not say nakey) for a while and I do you let a 8 week old boy go naked for a "little while" needless to say, Parker peed everywhere (and I mean EVERYWHERE)...sounds like your experience was lots better.
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