It's been a pumpkin crazy weekend for the Allens. We went to Memphis to visit
Andrea before Baby K finally arrives. I don't know why I say "finally," when it seems like she's been pregnant no time at all. It goes by so much more quickly when I've been watching Addie grow like a weed for the last nine months. She's nine months today! I'm going to just post a bunch of pictures now!

MMM, I like Hay!

There they are, Andrea and Baby K mystery her belly, not the pumpkin! :)

Freddy and Mommy at the Schnuk's Pumpkin Tent. Do you love his warty pumpkin? Can you even see it on here?

How many bails of hay am I going to have to sit on before this is all over???

I want THIS pumpkin!!!

She still likes hay, we couldn't keep it out of her mouth. Addie really took the "hay ride" seriously.

When Freddy's about 14, I'm going to show him this and I'm certain we'll see similarities. "Gaaahh, my parents are so lame, making me go on a hay ride with my baby sister, uggggh!"

Sweeter, sweets!

He said, "Go, horsey!"

This was Freddy's dream day, cows, bigs, chickens, ducks, horses, oh my golley gee!
those pictures turned out great! I'm so glad you all came to visit!
How would you like the pictures of Addie? I can email them, post them, it doesn't matter.
You can tell Freddy that I asked the guy how much the big inflatable pumpkin was and he hesitated and said it wasn't for sale. I think he thought I was serious...but no amount of money would have bought the thing.
It was fun seeing you! Happy 9 months little precious girl! :o)
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