11:43 pm and Addie has "cried it out" right on out to sleep! I don't know how long it will last, but I'm off to bed in a ...


11:43 pm and Addie has "cried it out" right on out to sleep! I don't know how long it will last, but I'm off to bed in a big ol' hurry!


Candice said...

I have to be honest, I have been so jealous of what seemed to be a perfect little baby...you're still breastfeeding, you make your own baby food, she's perfect in every way...so hearing that she's screaming and you're yelling at her makes me feel a little more normal. I can completely empathize with you, especially resenting that sweet husband who is sleeping in the other room through the whole thing. We're normal! Doesn't it feel good...here's hoping those teeth go ahead and cut through. Parker seems to be a little better now that the second tooth has cut through.

Can said...

where did my comment go??

Pediddlepie said...

Thanks, Candice. I have way more bouts of helpless terror than I care to blog about! We are "normal," and lucky our babies are so cute! I am also the absolute worst to compare myself to what I think others are achieving, but the secret is in what other people actually reveal! I should be way more transparent with my woes. ;)